
Features of RapidVidya

Quick Notes

Create and organize quick notes on various topics for quick reference during your last-minute study sessions.

Questions and Answers

Access a database of topic-specific questions and answers to test your knowledge and improve your exam preparation.

Listen Notes

Listen to audio recordings of important study materials to reinforce your understanding and retention of key concepts.

Generate Questions from Previous Papers

Generate practice questions based on previous exam papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve your chances of success.

Personalized Study Based on Time Available

Get personalized study recommendations and plans based on the time you have available for exam preparation, ensuring optimal utilization of your study time.

Generate YouTube Playlist

Create curated playlists of educational YouTube videos to access relevant content for your study topics, all in one place.

YouTube Video Summarize

Summarize and condense lengthy YouTube videos into key points and highlights, saving you time and helping you grasp important information quickly.

Web Article Summarize

Summarize lengthy web articles and blog posts to quickly extract the main points and gain a comprehensive understanding of the content.